Friday, January 29, 2010

Free Coldplay CD

Go to the website and download a live free Coldplay cd. This is legal, coldplay has allowed people to download this has 9 live songs, some new, some classic. Overall it is a great album.

Conditions: you need to give them your email address and have space on your computer to save this.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Free parenting e-book

from this site there is a free link to 2 downloadable e-booklets on parenting. Both of them are quick books that are easier than most to reed when one has little time. one of them on how to discipline children when other methods have failed and one on spotting troubles that children may have such as depression peer pressure suicide, self harm, anorexia gangs, etc...

Conditions: this is an e-booklet, it is quite short for its content. it will need to be either viewed on your computer or printed by you.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Recipie e-booklet

there are allot of free recipe e-booklets on the net, this one has only a few recopies, however those recopies do look as though they would be very tasty. to download this booklet simply go to and fill in your details on the right hand side of the page. when you click the download button it will open. from there you can either use the recipes directly or print or save it to your computer using one of the icons near the top left corner of the screen.

Conditions: they want your name and your email address. if you are unwilling to diverge this information you can just fake it as they do not check. it is an e-booklet which means it is electronic.